Friday, April 27, 2012

Depression to Die

This afternoon I heard a bad news about one of our fellow designer. He died at four pm today.

We were shocked. At least I'm shocked. I know him several times from few designer's meetings and trainings. When I first know him, I always thought that he is a delightful person. Always smile and laughing. He always try to makes the entire room happy and try his best to take every critics and comments without hesitations. Somehow his oddness is what makes him what he is, his signature in everything that he does.

He's in his late forties, later I know it. Before, I thought he's in his late thirties. He's fun attitude always makes him young and vibrant. There's so much energy surround him, there are so many things that he ought to do. Always have lots of questions because he always want to know how, why, when, where even the funny thing is he's just questioning things, because even though he's asking what time to come, he usually late.

The most shocking thing about his death is the cause. He died of  depression and sadness actually I never heard anything like it. I never thought that people might die because of depression. I only know that people might die because of sickness, disease, accident, drugs or usual thing like that. I thought sad people just being sad, not suppose to be dead.

I know some of the people that always looks sad, act sad and do crazy things because they are sad. Some of them always complaining, some of them always unsatisfied with their life, some people cry a lot, some of them always sick or try to be sick, some people always acting sick to get every ones attentions. Crazy things that they do. But Depression to die is the new thing that I learn could happened.

My dear friend, I hope you rest in peace. Please be happy with God up there. Don't think too much anymore. Just be glad that He still love you and remember, you are capable of being Happy.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Komentar Go Blog tentang Kuburan Mahal

Senin, 23 April 2012 Pagi ini siaran Go Blog via BBM Group dimulai sengan pembicaraan tentang meninggalnya salah satu tokoh Indonesia yang cukup dihormati atas kerendahan hatinya.
Lalu saya mulai membaca koran pagi via email dan menemukan salah satu trending topics yang menarik yang selalu muncul pada beberapa 'event' kematian orang-orang penting semacam pejabat dan artis. Topik kuburan bonafid. Sekarang, hampir semua pejabat, artis, (pokoknya yang punya banyak uang deh) akan memesan salah satu lot di area pekuburan ini.. Jadi saya melempar pertanyaan saya pada anggota Go Blog lainnya. "Kenapa ya SDH cemetery lg banyak dipake sama pejabat sm artis? Bonafid sekali kayanya tu kuburan.." Inilah jawaban para komentator Go Blog...

R ‎​: Kuburan holywood  
L: Mahal kali itu kuburan lohh  
M: Iya g udah pernah liat wawancara sm pengembangnya.. harganya ky real estate  
M: Prestige org ya... Sampe kuburan aj cari yg bonafide  
L: Yoi..biar masuk surga  
M: Ngaruh ya?  
L: Kan ada di alkitab..cari deh keluaran group Lip **
L: Alkitabnya yang cetakan Agu** Podo**** Land  
L: Pasti ada deh disebutkan Yesus mati di SDH...beli sekarang besok harga berubah   
M: ^_^  ĥϊĥϊ ^_^  
L: Wakakakakakakakakak  
L: Wakakkakakakaak  
L: Waakakakakakakakakakak  
R ‎​: Gelo  
L: Hidup itu banyak amal...banyak berbuat baik...kalau mati di SDH biar masuk surga  
L: Surganya beda beda...ada tipe 36 yang cluster paulus...ada type 54 cluster yohanes..
L: Bila anda bergama islam...tenang saja..kami punya cluster ali,umar ,dan 9 sunan dari indonesia asli  
L: Bila anda beragama budha..ada cluster dewi quan im  
L: Apapun agamanya..matinya SDH
M: Lu yg ngurusin graphic sm org marketingnya ya?
L: Wakaakakakakakakakak  
L: Wakakakakakkakak  
L: Keren kan taglinenya  
L: Wakkakakakakaka  
M: Sekolah dimana lu bisa keren gt?  
L: Menjual kematian  
L: Dp sekarang..dosa anda habis 25 persen  
L: ITE*** dong...  (kuliahnya)
M: Ic ic  
L: Wakakakakakakkaka  
L: Wakaakakakak  
L: Ayukk yang mau mati…  
L: Bayar dimuka..kalau mau akhir jaman nanti dikasih mobil  
L: Nanti dikasih pernak pernik akhir jaman  
L: Ada body bagnya loh...bisa pilih sesuai selera agamanya
L: Jangan lupa beli komiknya  
L: Wakaakakakakakakakak  
L: Wakakakakakakakakak  
R ‎​: Keren wae si L mun nulis nya…
M: Lu belom tulis soal layanan catering dan dekorasi kl ada yg meninggal dan dikubur disana
M: Itu penting jg...  
M: Buat nambah penghasilan kalo lot nya udah kejual semua  
L: Wakakkakakakakaa  
M: Kya ada jasa WO  buat Wedding
M: Eh DO ya....(Death Organizer)  
L: Gw tahu pasti lo mau jadi vendornya  
M: Ahhh ogah ah... Ngurusin org sedih... Ntar makanan enak aj dibilang ga enak semua... Sedih ‎​ gua...  
L: Wakaakakakak  
L: Waakakakakakakakak  
L: Kan ada yang emang planning mau mati  
L: Atau udah sakit lama  
L: Nahh kita bisa bisnisin  
L: Jadinya nawarin ke orang kaya yang mau mati  
R ‎​: Huaahh
L: Pak..mau mati? Kami ada paket lengkap plus catering  
M: Lu emang marketing yg Baik ya…
R ‎​: Hiya yaaa
L: Cateringnya harus order lengkap...awal sebelum mati dan setelah mati  
L: Wakakakakakak

Jadi kesimpulannya, mungkin SDH lagi cari vendor buat Death Organizer.  Mengatur Kematian Anda Dengan Gaya…

Sekian dan Terimakasih

When Pregnancy Hits Me

You will never know when the faith comes to you. You never know whether it's a good situation or bad until you really into it. 

Since my pregnancy is a 'Big Hit' among my family and friends, there are these rumors, myths, dreams and also superstitions that been said and become the story that make everything 'make sense' for some people. The first trimester is the hardest, because I have this bleeding. Every night I feel scared that I might loose the baby.

From that bleeding, there's the story about spirits. Yes The Spirits. There's the spirits that want to reincarnate to be my baby. It's dangerous that's why I have bleeding, just blame it on the spirit and everything will be okay. Try to find the right shaman, drink some water from the shaman, put the salt on your bed, bring the garlic, some herbs and scissors everywhere you go. If you do that the bleeding 'might' stop. Might? Yes might... It's not an assurance, it's just a slight of protections.

They never see the reality, that I'm so exhausted in the first month of my pregnancy. There are these photo shoots that takes my times, consume lots of energy and sometimes taking my nerve to deal with lots of people that don't satisfy me. But that's life, right? So I think the over-worked (while I'm not realizing that I'm pregnant) is the first thing that make me bleeding. That's my own logic explanation.

The second trimester (I thought) is a little relief. But still there's the myths that sometimes blocked my way to move. Can't do the walk and walk. I have these people that always watched over me. In some point I love to have a little company, in the other hand, some of them makes me loose my nerve. There are dreams that makes people too worry and then pass those worries to me or to my husband (because I'm too fierce too talk about such things). They said that I'm not all ears. Actually I just have so many questions about those myths, theory, nightmares, or experience. I like to do it when I already know Why? How Come? Why? Why?. Just give me reasons (logic things will be soon accepted).

Some people never realize, despite  I'm questioning a lot of things about the 'un-logic' thingy, I always do the things that they pursue me to do. I seldom loose "my bodyguard" everywhere I go, I don't eat too much ripe mangoes in my first trimester while I'm bleeding (though three of my mango trees are in the season to harvest), rarely drive alone, drink the coconut juice from the cup, eat a little from a little plate, never stay at the corner of the garden at night (even when I'm not pregnant I never do that one), never eat ice block even the weather is freaking hot (and because I'm not the fans of ice drinks), I only sleep 6 to 8 hours a  day not even more, except I catch cold, I put the soap block under my sheet and sometimes I think it's a remote control that i kick under my blanket, I always bring scissors and or garlic and or herbs and or pins and a mini praying paper, I don't eat ripe guava that I love, I drink the coconut oil and lime almost every day, I don't sew or spike, I don't paint the room by myself, I try my best not to get furious too much, I try to release and let go, I try not to cry even I'm so awfully sad, I try not to play with my new puppy too much, I try not too take many steps at the stair, I don't eat too much salt like used to, etc etc etc.  I did crazy superstitions before, now and maybe after the baby is born, and I did it (believe it or not) with heart and I did things that also logic, the rules of the pregnancy. It's only for the sake of my baby.

So sorry that I asked too many questions about those dreams and superstitions. I get curious a lot. Still 3 months to go and I hope everything will be just fine. Even somehow I feel tired with the rules, I still try to manage it with my best.

Love you all,
