Friday, December 7, 2012

Together or Alone?

Urban Sketchers network
I'm an urban sketcher

This weekday, the sketching rendez-vous is continuing. So many groups is gather around with their colleagues and make a sketching schedule. They sketch everywhere. At lunch time at the restaurant or warung, at home, at the office, at coffee break time.. It's anytime, anywhere, anything they could sketch, they'll sketch.

 I join several times of that rendez-vous with my husbands office colleagues from Belt Collins International Bali. On Wednesday at Depot Adi while I eat Bistik Sapi for lunch, everyone is so busy with their sketches. The only thing that so obvious to hear is Arie is sneezing all the time and everyone else is having fun with their sketch book.

On Thursday we were having lunch at MM Juice Teuku Umar and we MUST draw some people and not just the interior or exterior of the place. Why it's a MUST? because before we always draw the still life drawing, too afraid to draw the moving things such as human and animals and actually that's the challenge in urban sketching. We could capture more stories by adding some detail with humans and animals. Capturing what is happening at the moment.

On Wednesday I also sketch the view from my own office on Ketewel. I sketch alone because the office always so quiet and the staff only came once or twice a week, just like me. The difference when you draw alone is the spirit. I become mellow when I have to sketch alone... too quiet!

When you're alone, you're only have the 'conversation' with the object or you don't have any comparison. It's easier to be intrigue to sketch when you're with your friends and you could compare and also learn from the other, such as: "What the other see from the same place?" could be different with your sight, because every people have different interest. So let's draw and up to you to choose to sketch alone or together but I have my opinion, the more the merrier.


What are you thinking Bli Nyoman? While everyone is busy sketching at MM Juice (6 December 2012) on Jl Teuku Umar, I saw Mr Nyoman looking around and look very confuse.. Indonesian will say: "Kenapa Clingak Clinguk?"

This is one corner of Warung Adi while we're having lunch (5 Dec 2012) with BCI friends.. I can't be too long because I came with my baby.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sketch with Attitude!

It has been a good month for Urban Sketchers Bali to introduce themselves to public. With small effort we could gather more than 30 people every week to watch and learn, to draw together and to share their stories in their sketches.

With this group I learn that I'm not a good artist but I can learn how to be a sketcher. I like to make drawings and paintings but capturing a moment like photography with only a paper, pen, pencil and watercolor or marker in a little time is another challenge.

I never learn how to be an architect, I never think that I  want to draw a building because my weakness is a steady line, vertical or horizontal, my hands always so shaky to draw straight long lines. Well but somehow I love to draw, I love the expression and the emotion that I could show in my own lines.

It's been great to join this group of people with their differences, with their passion. With this group I could learn about myself and I could challenge myself every now and then. To try and try and try again.

My sketches is still too naif if you compare it with others in this group (Of course, most of them born to be an illustrator, and architect). My lines still to busy and incompetent. My life still the same with those sketches that I make, even though the results is good or bad. But one thing for sure that I have is the attitude to show you that I dare to make sketches in good times or bad and make the story with those sketches and I dare to try and try again even I fail so many times. So where is your story in sketches? Do you dare enough to show me your stories?


This is the garage of my house. I draw it on the 2nd workshop of Urban Sketchers Bali. This trial makes me realize that I'm not good making straight lines... Expressive sketching is a better choice for me.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Me, my coffee and double Rudy

Urban Sketchers network
I'm an urban sketcher
Last Thursday we were going to the airport. We're not leaving anywhere but we have to meet Rudy's client: Mr Rudy.

So we met at Starbucks airport. It is one of the BIG Starbucks in Bali. I join my husband because after that we are going for dinner.. So I wait at the corner of Starbucks, joining with me is my baby and his nanny. So while on and off nursing my baby, I sketch these pictures.  -->

Anyway I don’t bring my sketchbook so I just draw with pencil and pen on my stripy (and cute) notebook.

This is a phenomena of the nanny. He always sleepy while taking care of my baby especially if my DJ is sleeping.

Later on I was intrigue to draw the two Rudy and my cup of coffee because the waiting is so long and I get a little bored. (Yeah my baby and nanny is sleeping, what else should I do?)
So there they are..


Sanur One, (Because there will be so many sketches of Sanur later..)

Urban Sketchers network
I'm an urban sketcher

1st December 2012

This is another day of sketching with Urban Sketchers Bali, this is a hot first day of December... If you remember about snowy Christmas, this is not the place.

Still taking my baby to the sketching event, however I'm still trying to draw him, but it's always been a bummer. So it's easier for me to draw the ambiance of Sanur beach, little things that I could capture.. But I will try my best to draw my baby later.. I have to, before he's getting older..

 This is my first sketch today. I am quite amaze with so many boats along the beach from Jl. Hang Tuah area to Bali Beach Hotel area. One of them is Samaya One boat, the longest speed boat at the beach today.
 The second sketch is a unique sight of a father who walk along the beach and taking a big Rubber Duck for his son. And as a background is a small speed boat and two little boy who play ball, however even it is at the beach, they still swam with their clothes on. Both wearing red t shirt, and one of the T shirt is a soccer shirt with a huge number 9. I think their parents try to combine soccer game and swimming at the same time. :)
 Beside there are so many boats there are also so many people who walk, swim, canoeing and bring along their dogs to this beach. So at 3pm I start to draw and when I finished an hour later there are 5 times more people with their activity along that beach.. wow.. so crowded.. But in that crowd I could found a spring rolls seller who walk along that beach.. Lucky me.. Bon apetite...

So there it goes, my sketching day at Sanur beach part One.


Lapangan Niti Mandala Renon

Urban Sketchers network
I'm an urban sketcher

It is a very hot day in Bali and it is an Urban Sketchers Bali day.. We are gather at Niti Mandala Renon Yard to sketch what's going on there.

I am going with my husband and my four month baby boy. It's a challenge to draw with a baby. sometimes I have to switch my part from being a sketcher to a mother and nursing my baby.

So here are my two sketches about that day.. One sketch about the top of the Monument of Balinese Warrior and the second is about a man who sell some snacks and traditional toys in that area.


 This is the Half top of Monument Bali Warriors (Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali)
This is a sketch of a man who sells some snacks, toys, drink by bicycle at the yard of the museum area...